为加强来华留学生管理,维护正常教学秩序,根据 《中华人民侨共和国教育法》、 《中华人民共和国出入境管理法》、《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(第42号令)和《yh86银河国际学生学籍管理规定》,特制定本规定。
第一条 来华留学新生(以下简称“留学生”)入学须持湖北经济签发的《来华留学生入学通知书》、《来华留学生签证申请表》(简称JW202表)、X1/X2签证和体检表原件),按入学通知书的规定日期到yh86银河国际yh86银河国际办理入学手续。
第二条 留学生因故不能按期入学报到者,应通过邮件或电话等方式说明原因,并告知确切入学时间。开学后一个月内不报到者,取消其入学资格。
第三条 留学生所持体检表和化验单,须经国家有关部门认证,认证合格者方可办理外国人居留证,不合格者需重新进行体检(费用自理)。有重大疾病病史或体检不合格者取消入学资格。
第四条 留学生在入学报到时,应在一月之内缴清费用。来华留学语言生应在一月之内缴清第一学期的相关费用;来华留学学历生应在一周之内缴清第一学年的相关费用。交清相关费用后,方可办理入学手续。
第六条 留学生自入境之日起三十日内须到武汉市公安局出入境管理局办理《外国人居留许可》,并到武汉市公安局藏龙岛派出所办理登记、备案手续。
第七条 留学生每学期应按期持学生证到yh86银河国际报到注册。因故不能如期注册者,必须履行请假手续。yh86银河国际对未按时到校的留学生,要分别按病、事假或旷课记载。未注册者不能取得新学年的学籍,不能进入专业课学习,不予以学分认可。
第八条 凡休学、保留学籍或其他原因离校的留学生,未经批准入学者,不准注册。
第九条 留学生未经请假或请假未被批准不到校注册者,以旷课论处,逾期两周不注册者,按自动退学处理。
第二章 学制与修业年限
第十条 来华留学学历生学制一般为四学年,最长年限不超过六学年;语言生学制为一学期或一学年。学生一般应在学制年限内完成学业。
第十一条 留学生在校期间休学、保留学籍的时间均计算在修业年限内。
第三章 课程修读与成绩考核
第十二条 学校每学年分秋季、春季两个学期,每学期留学生按照培养计划的要求进行课程修读。修读形式分为课堂教学、学术讲座、毕业论文、实践与实验课程等,所有课程均实行考勤考核制度。
第十三条 留学生须遵守课堂纪律,未经教师同意,不得擅自离开教室。考勤以任课教师记载为主,学院管理人员考查为补充。未经批准,不得缺勤,违者以旷课论处。
第十四条 成绩评定及记载
第十五条 课程补考
2. 无故旷考的课程;
3. 因违反考试纪律考核成绩被记为零分的课程。
第四章 转学、休学与复学
第十六条 留学生入学后,一般不能中途转专业或转学。确需转学者,须在开学后一周内提交转学申请,并报上级教育主管部门审批。
第十七条 休学
(一) 留学生休学一般以一学年为周期,特殊情况经学校批准,可连续休学,但累计休学期限不得超过两学年。
第十八条 复学
第五章 毕业、结业与肄业
第十九条 具有正式学籍的留学生在规定的修业年限内,完成学年学籍注册,修完教育教学计划规定内容,成绩合格,达到学校毕业要求的,准予毕业,学校在学生离校前颁发毕业证书。
第二十条 学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教育教学计划规定内容,但未达到学校毕业要求的,准予结业学校颁发结业证书。
第六章 附则
第二十一条 本规定有中英文两个版本。执行过程中如有冲突之处,以中文版本规定为主。
第二十二条 本规定未尽事宜依据国家相关法律、法规及学校相关规定执行。本办法自公布之日起施行,由yh86银河国际负责解释。
Regulations of International Students' Status of
Hubei University of Economics
These regulations are established to reinforce the management of international students and ensure a normal order of teaching, which are carried out referring to Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China,Management Regulations of Colleges and Universities in Admitting International Students and Administrative Regulations in International Students of Hubei University of Economics, Regulation of Admitting and Training Management for International Students in University and Regulation of Students’ Status Management in Hubei University of Economics.
Chapter One Admission and Registration
Article 1 New international students(hereinafter referred to as “international students”)should register in School of International Education (hereinafter referred to as "SIE") on time with the Admission Notice issued by Hubei University of Economics (hereinafter referred to as "HBUE"), Visa Application for Study in China (abbreviated as JW202 Form), X1 or X2 Visa (student visa) and Health Certificate (the original).
Article 2 International students who fail to arrive on time should request for approval via email or telephone, explain the reason and inform SIE the exact admission date. If the period of admission absence exceeds one month from the start of school, enrollment will be revoked.
Article 3 International students must apply for a residence permit with a valid Health Certificate verified by related government departments. International students who fail to satisfy the requirement should take a physical examination again. International students with serious disease in the past or failing to meet the health standard won’t be qualified for enrollment.
Article 4 International students should pay off all the fee within one month after arrival. Students of Chinese language program should pay off relevant fee for the first semester within one month while degree program students should pay off the fee for the first academic year. International students can only proceed the admission procedure after payment.
Article 5 International students should fill in the Academic Information Form for International Students of HBUE, and submit a photo of 2 inches in both electronic copy and paper copy (amount: 10 pieces), the passport (original and copy), the highest education certificate (copy) and the transcript for final academic studies (copy) to SIE when arrive for registration.
Article 6 International students from abroad should go to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to apply for a residence permit within 30 days after entry. Besides, they are required to register accommodation in the Canglongdao Police Station.
International students who are transferred from other Chinese universities must take their valid Health Certificate, Passport, Admission Notice, JW202 Form, and Transfer Certificate to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to apply for a new Residence Permit within 30 days upon arrival in Wuhan.
International students who need to extend their Residence Permit should take their original and copy of Passport, Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals, Foreigner Visa Documents Application Form, Certificate of Study, Admission Notice, JW202 Form (original), 2 Photos (2 inches), and Health Certificate to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to finish the formalities.
Article 7 International students should register on time in SIE with their student ID card in each semester. International students who fail to register on time must ask for leave permission. SIE will record those international students as sick leave, personal leave, absence accordingly. International students who fail to register are not allowed to get their student status for the new academic year, take academic course study, or get the credit.
Article 8 International students quitting school due to suspension, retaining their student status or under any other circumstances must seek for permission before resuming interrupted studies.
Article 9 International students who fail to register without asking for leave or permission will be recorded as absent. International students who register for more than 2 weeks late will be expelled from the university.
Chapter Two Length of Schooling and Duration of Study
Article 10 The length of schooling of Bachelor degree program for
international students is 4 years, and the duration of study is 4-6 years. The length of schooling for Chinese language program students is one semester or an academic year. International students should finish school within the duration specified by the university.
Article 11 The time of suspension and retaining their student status ofinternational students is taken into account.
Chapter Three Study Requirements and Evaluation
Article 12 An academic year is divided into two semesters: autumn semester and spring semester. International students should complete all the courses prescribed by the university each semester in accordance with the requirements of the training plan. The teaching methods include classroom teaching, academic lectures, graduation thesis, practice and experimental courses, etc. Attendance is recorded for all classes.
Article 13 International students should abide by class discipline. Students cannot leave classroom without permission of the teacher. Attendance is mainly recorded by lecturers and cross-checked by administrators of SIE at the same time. International students cannot miss class without permission, otherwise they will be considered as absentees.
Article 14 Evaluation and Recording
1) The examination result is often evaluated by grading system of 100 points (marks). International students with 60 points or more can get their credits.
2) The course assessment is formed by regular performance(quizzes, assignments, class discussions, papers and attendance, etc and the final exam result.
3) International students should complete home assignments strictly following requirements by course teachers. If a student doesn't finish homework for more than 1/3 of times, she/he will be disqualified for the final exam and gets zero point as the final result from the course.
4) International students should neither be late for class nor leave class earlier than due time. Being late for more than 15 minutes or leaving classes 15 minutes or more are all equaled to absence of one class hour. If student are absent for more than 1/3 of the course hours in a semester, she/he will be disqualified for final examination of the course and automatically get zero point.
5) International students should take exams arranged by university on time. Those who cannot take exam for sickness or other special reasons should go through required procedures with applying for a deferred exam in advance. It comes into effect only after being checked and approved by relevant departments. Being late for exam with 15 minutes is considered as waiver of the exam. The missing exams or not taking exams without permission will be regarded as exam abandonment.
6) Those who have any objection to exam result can submit a written application for reviewing the result in two weeks. Once approved by the relevant departments in university, the result will be reviewed and a final conclusion will be drawn by SIE. Reviewing results is not allowed after the specified time.
7) International students should obey the examination discipline. Once plagiarism is detected, the result of the course will be recorded as zero point and make-up examination is not allowed too.
Article 15 The Follow-up Examination
1) International students can take follow-up examinations (excluding practical teaching sections) once for each of the course examinations that they need to take. If one failed follow-up examinations, he/she can go for final clear examinations in the last academic year.
2) Under one of the following circumstances, make-up examinations are not allowed:
(1) Disqualification for examination of the course;
(2) Abandonment of examination without permission;
(3) Breach of exam discipline and be recorded as “zero”.
Chapter Four Transferring to Another School,Schooling Suspension & Schooling Resumption
Article 16 International students cannot change their major or transfer to another university midway after enrollment. Those who actually need to transfer to another university must submit an application within the first week after the start of a new semester, and it must be reported to higher education departments for approval.
Article 17 Schooling Suspension
1) International students may generally ask for suspension for one academic year. They can apply to extend the suspension for some special reasons under the university’s approval. However, the whole schooling suspension cannot be more than two academic years.
2) Once the suspension is approved, international students should stop all the campus activities immediately. The course results got during the suspension are invalid.
3) International students who suspend their study due to illness which causes them to be absent for 2 months or more and miss the class should submit an application with diagnosis proof from the designated hospital by themselves. Once approved by the leader in charge of such business, it is taken to SIE for record. International students who suspend their study due to illness should return to their country for treatment.
4) International students who suspend their study should submit the application by themselves. Once it is approved by the leader in charge of such business, they can complete all the suspension procedures and keep their student status.
International students who apply for suspension by reasons cannot enjoy the same treatment as students in school. For whatever reason, students in suspension should leave school. The university is not responsible for the accidents happened to international students during the suspension period.
Article 18 Schooling Resumption
International students should apply to resume their study to International students’ Affairs Office one week before the beginning of a semester. Only been approved by the university can they resume their study.
2) International students who suspend their study due to illness must submit the Health Certificate proved by a 2-A level hospital when applying to resume their study. Only after the Health Certificate is reviewed by campus hospital or the Center for Physical Health Education Mental Disease will the university allow international students to resume their study.
3) International students who do not apply to resume their study when the suspension is over or who violate the laws or regulations will be disqualified for resumption and their status will be canceled too.
Chapter Five Graduation, Completion and Partial Completion
Article 19 If the International students with a formal status get registered for each academic year, complete all their courses as the teaching plan requires, academically match the graduation conditions, they will be allowed to graduate and be awarded the Graduation Certificate.
Undergraduates who meet the requirements will be conferred Degree Certificate.
Article 20 International students who complete all their courses in the prescribed duration but fail to match the graduation conditions will be awarded the Certificate of Completion.
International students who have studied at the university for more than one year before dismissed from the university can be awarded Certificate of Attendance. For those who have studied at the university for less than one year will be awarded Learning Experience Certificate.
Chapter Six Supplementary Provisions
Article 21 This regulation is written in both Chinese and English. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese version, the Chinese version should prevail.
Article 22 The issues uncompleted are implemented in terms of relevant laws, regulations in china and rules in this university. The Regulation come into effect from the date of being issued, and SIE is responsible for explanation.